March, May, June 2024
This training offers the opportunity to gain skills for working with touch in dance, in contact with humans and non human surfaces, in Contact improvisation, Contemporary Technique and composition. I will be introducing a collection of listening, light and deep touch techniques that I have developed over the past 4 years through my work with Contact Improvisation, and Somatic practices including Body Mind Centering, Skinner Release Technique, & a PhD about how touch enables encounters with Otherness. We will embody the skin in a global sense and cultivate anatomical and whole body awareness through our work with the touch technqiues which we will apply in technical phrases, partnering and composition play. The training will cover themes of attunement, gravity, differentiating tone, fluidity, momentum, spirals, fascia and flight.
You may join the weekend modules separately or sign up for all 3 for the progressive journey.
Mar 15th-17th, Fri15th 12-18.00, 16 &17th,10-16.00, @Tanzfabrik
May 18th-19th, 10-17.00, @K77
June 21-23rd Fri 12-18.00, Sat&Sun,10-17.00, @Tanzfabrik
The price includes in-person teaching, resources and personal 1-to-1 feedback sessions. Full Course: €600-700 Module 1: €240-300, Module 2: €175-210 Module 3: €250-300.  Deposit: €100. Installment plans can be arranged.
Bio: Rosalind Holgate Smith (UK) is Dance Artist, Choreographer & Somatic Educator based in Berlin. As a CI teacher of over 12 years she incorporates approaches from Body-Mind Centering, Skinner Release Technique, Authentic movement, martial arts and her practice of also dancing outdoors, in water, with trees and with raw matter inclduding soil. Over the past 4 years she has been working on a PhD, investigating Touch as an encounter with Otherness and the vocabulary of touch from Contact, this touch training represents an outcome of this research.
with guest teachers including Lotte Jirke and others​​​​​​​
To register please fill out the form below and if you have questions please reach out to me directly
Thank you!
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