These days the walls between worlds are thin
A shaking is awakening in me
A restlessness to move
A trembling earthquake ripples from somewhere inside out along my skin
into the entire space around
It travels along and through the ground
Shifting and sifting sand
Shaking it all up
There is almost no inside
The house too…the television and the beds
All are shifting.
Everything is at stake
Maybe we will lose things?
Like the everyday contents of drawers and cupboards
And that old stuff
that has been gathering dust
I wonder if you can see me shaking
Whether you know you are a part of this moving landscape?
Stillness seeps remedy over control
Nothing now nothing still
Even the birch trees
It’s not that it has to end now
The world to enter another
But it is time to give a little respect to humour
Pleasant air
A Breeze
Wide open
Could it be enough?
Just you beside me
Just the presence of your touch
Sometimes firm
Sometimes soft
Could it be just time
The time that you give to be willingly present
That takes two,
me with you and you with me
How nice that we have appeared
I notice I am breathing better
Now that you are here
And I wonder
If we were to walk to the top of a mountain
Whether there on the peak
We could breathe better still?
Exposed to the elements
Closer to the clouds
Skin: our pores open
We stand in the cold air
In all but t-shirts
open to the winds caress
A fresh time falls
And I am not shaking now
But breathing in presence with you
Strong, light and alive