Sex&Smoothies is a sleepover play party, a temple for adults that invites the dreaming of the darkness into the light.
The next event will take place on 20th May -21st May 2023. The event is by invitation only. If you would like to attend or have accessibility needs, kidnapping desires or other questions please contact us directly and we will consider: sex.smoothies@gmail.com
*20.00 Saturday Arrive -Please arrive on time.
*13.00 Sunday Departures
Sex&Smoothies is a curated to co-incide with environmental changes in light, supporting the circadian rhythm that is the 24 hour internal sleep-wake cycle to regulate in relationship with other animals, plants, fungi and organisms. This means that when it gets most dark at midnight we will rest and as it gets light we will take care in waking to explore the fine veil between night and day, and bring to life matter-reality; the dreamworld.
Saturday evening will begin with setting some agreements, prayers and rituals including sensation games to exercise consensual play, presence and intimacy. Having developed a sensual orientation towards touch, taste and texture, a sacred space will be opened to dive into eros and explore moving and relating in ways that feel pleasurable. Live music on piano and strings will provide a depth and expanse of supportive accompaniment.
As we draw towards midnight you will be asked to observe a greater quiet, find comfort, rest and sleep. Three Kidnappings will take place which, unless requested, you must not interfere with. You may purchase a 'kidnap me please' ticket if you are interested in the experience. As the sun rises we will welcome everyone back and we will we will celebrate with a ritual Unvieling - a slow undressing, a performance prepared for you that is an invitation to move slowly, to feel in the extension of time. In this morning period you may follow your dreaming to also discover other possibilities, perhaps you want to undress with us, or meditate in the quiet space, make love-in the sexy space, dance, draw or walk upon the roof, breath or sing with the birds. Fresh fruit juices and smoothies will be served from 10am and we will close together.
Sex&Smoothies is an adult sex positive sleepover party, please come dressed in your best night wear; dress, gown or underwear.
Please bring something for comfort in the night such as a sheep skin, pillow and blanket, and your toys, shibari ropes etc.
No drugs or alcohol.
The event is curated and hosted by Rosalind Holgate Smith and Kiki Martin
With performance contributions from Beata Absalon, Betta Blik, Genevieve Simmons, Rosalind Holgate Smith and Kiki Martin
Live Music from Eli Brown and Eva Maria Mikkelsen
Private Location, Prenzlauerberg, Berlin